Sunday, December 29, 2019

Critical Thinking Application - 1030 Words

Critical Thinking Application Paper Introduction Think deeply! Think and keep thinking. Still, not everyone who thinks or thinks deeply is actually critical thinking. You can be highly intelligent or have vast knowledge but that doesn’t mean that you can think critically. Using intelligence and knowledge to reach one’s rationale viewpoint and objective in what a critical thinker does. The opinions and beliefs of a critical thinker stand on firmer ground. Better decisions and problems solving are more credible and supported by reasons and facts instead of false information and statements. According to Paul and Elder (2006), â€Å"Critical thinking is that mode of thinking—about any subject, content, or problem—in which the thinker†¦show more content†¦Identify Characterize Arguments Critical thinkers identify and characterize arguments with evidence, data, proofs, and verification. Whether in verbal or written, critical thinker chose words and vocabulary carefully to accomplish well defined conclusions. The arguments can be deductive or inductive depending on the nature of the issues. A critical thinker should doubt that conclusion from either inductive or deductive arguments is absolute. The conclusion may be based on fact and evidence, but the fact and evidence can be erroneous. Examples can be found in court cases where a person who is found guilty by the jury is really innocent. On the other hand, guilty individuals do get away with the law if their evidences are not fully disclosed. Evaluate Information Sources Critical thinker evaluates information sources to get reliable and accurate information. Arguments are usually supported by facts to come to a conclusive conclusion, (Fisher, 2001). A critical thinker should questions to validity of the facts. Are the sources where the facts came from are dependable and true. When the answers to arguments are complicated with no clear answers, critical thinker should rely on more credible and accurate. The sources must have qualifications, and good reputation. Evaluate Arguments The evaluation arguments ask the whether the assumption are known toShow MoreRelatedCritical Thinking Application Paper985 Words   |  4 PagesCritical Thinking Application Paper According to Foundation for Critical Thinking (2009), â€Å"Critical thinking is that mode of thinking—about any subject, content, or problem—in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them† (Defining Critical Thinking, para. 9). Thinking is part of everyone’s human nature. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The French Revolution And The Age Of Enlightenment

Born of two fathers, the American Revolution and the age of enlightenment, the French revolution was primarily a social upheaval that conspired to overthrow religious and privileged classes. The French Revolution changed the degree to which the people were willing to suffer and sacrifice in order to achieve their war aims through democratizing the Army and creating the necessity of larger political alliances than ever before. Guibert wrote in his Essai: Imagine that there arose in Europe a people who united austere virtues with a national militia and a fixed plan of expansion, who did not lose sight of their system, who, knowing how to make war cheaply and to live by their victories, were not reduced to putting their arms aside because of by their financial calculations. One would see this people subjugate its neighbors, and overturn feeble constitutions like the wind bends over fragile reeds. l will discuss how the French Revolution democratized the Army and created pol itical alliances of increasing scale which nationalized efforts changing Western Europeans forever. The French Revolution democratized the army which increased loyalty, participation and capabilities. Prior to the revolution the Officer Corps was filled with aristocrats while the soldiers were indentured servants and mercenaries. Soldiers were taught to fear their officers more than the enemy, while campaigning the army required enormous logistical requirements greatly limiting theirShow MoreRelatedTo What Extent Was The Enlightenment The Main Driving Force Behind The American And French Revolutions?1479 Words   |  6 Pagesfocuses on the causes of Atlantic Revolutions and will explore the question: To what extent was the Enlightenment the main driving force behind the American and French Revolutions? The years 1685 to 1815 (Strayer, 2011) will be the focus of this investigation to allow for an analysis of the Enlightenment ideas’ impact the need for governmental change in the American colonies and France during the eighteenth century, as well as their governmental influ ences post-revolutions. †¯ The first source whichRead MoreLiberalism in French Revolution Through Enlightenment1593 Words   |  7 PagesTHE LIBERAL REVOLUTION -UNDER THE IDEA OF ENLIGHTENMENT Dare to know! 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Text Analysis of the Epic of Gilgamesh Free Essays

Jill Seymour HST 197 Dr. Smith September 17, 2012 Text Analysis of The Epic of Gilgamesh The question I thought about while reading this text was what the role is for women, and how their actions and descriptions reveal Mesopotamian attitudes concerning gender. The female gender was not highly looked upon during these times. We will write a custom essay sample on Text Analysis of the Epic of Gilgamesh or any similar topic only for you Order Now The only time you see a respected female figure is when the mother of a son is being talked about. Any other time females are being talked about, they are portrayed with vulgar characteristics and seen as simply being there to serve the man. I will go through both ways the women are being portrayed, and relate them back to how they reveal Mesopotamian culture. The main woman character in this story is Ishtar. Ishtar is the goddess of love, fertility, and war; the Queen of Heaven. Normally when you think of the word goddess, a majestic and noble type of being comes to mind. Ishtar is portrayed as the complete opposite in The Epic of Gilgamesh. The first time she comes into play she uses the characteristics of a prostitute to lure in the man that she wants, which at the time is Enkidu. Ishtar is told â€Å"make your breasts bare, have no shame. Let him see you naked, let him possess your body† (Sandars, 3). It then goes on to say that â€Å"she was not ashamed to take him, she made herself naked and welcomed his eagerness† (Sandars, 4). Before she is told to lay with Enkidu, the story explains that this is not the first man she has done this to. Ishtar is being used for this, because she is known to have her way with the men and they don’t know how to tell her no because of her beauty. The way Ishtar is seen relates back to Mesopotamian culture in showing that women were not very important in society. They were mainly there to serve the man and to reproduce. They were looked at in two ways; the daughter of her father, or the wife of her husband. At an early age girls were trained to do the roles of a good wife and mother. It was not frowned upon in their culture for women to be at the mercy of the men. Women were able to own property and have jobs outside of the home, but that decreased when more distinct social classes arose in the second millennium. â€Å"Husbands gained authority in the household and benefited from the marriage and divorce laws† (Bulliet, 18). Even the law was against women and helped out the male gender in almost every situation. The next time she comes into play, we are seeing similar characteristics of her trying to lure in the man she wants when she is trying to get Gilgamesh to marry her. â€Å"Come to me Gilgamesh,† she says, â€Å"make me your bridegroom; grant me seed of your body† (Sandars, 25). She tells him she will give him anything he can possibly imagine if he would only marry her. When Gilgamesh refuses the offer we see a different side of Ishtar. She starts being portrayed as evil and self-centered. Ishtar goes to her father in tears saying to kill Gilgamesh for refusing her proposal or she will let all of hell break free, literally. Even marriage in the Mesopotamian culture benefitted the man more than the woman. â€Å"A man normally took just one wife, but he could obtain a second if the first gave him no children† (Bulliet, 18). The woman was to be a servant, of sorts, to the husband, and was expected to give him children. Later they became a way to keep wealth in the family by arranged marriages. Kings and rich men had several wives. Marriage alliances arranged between families made women instruments for preserving and enhancing family wealth† (Bulliet, 18). Even here they are referred to as â€Å"instruments†, and not given the respect of a human being. If the woman didn’t bare children, she was easily replaceable. If the woman came from a wealthy family, or her family wanted to become wealthy, they would arrange a marriage for her to gain or keep wealth in the family. On the other hand, women weren’t always looked at in this manner. Gilgamesh respected his mother very much so, and would go to her for advice. His mother, Ninsun, is said to be a minor goddess, but she is noted in a couple different places for her wisdom. â€Å"Now Gilgamesh got up to tell his dream to his mother, Ninsun, one of the wise gods† (Sandars, 5). In Mesopotamian culture, even the women gods were respected by the people. They thought them all to be wise and would seek their guidance in certain situations. Their religious beliefs brought this respect, and in some ways fear, to honor the gods so they would be gracious in return. Religious beliefs instilled fear of the gods, who could alter the landscape, and desire to appease them† (Belliet, 19). The Mesopotamians believed that the gods were human like in form, but that if they were to be unhappy by something the people did, they could alter anything in their lives, and in some cases even kill them. Overall, women were not looked at then the same ways they are looked at today. The cultural norm for women was to serve the men with their bodies and in their actions. If they did not give the man the children he wanted, she could be replaced. At an early age they were being trained to have the skills of a good wife and mother. It was not frowned upon for a man to have more than one wife. This did not happen often until around the second mullinium, but was quite oftenly seen with the kings and rich men. The another way the women were used in this society was to keep or gain wealth for her family. The families would arrange the marriages for her daughter, and she would have to make sure to keep her husband happy so she was not replaced. The gods and goddesses were feared and respected on the other hand. They were able to manipulate what would happen in the people’s lives, so they made sure to keep them happy; even the women were kept happy in this sense. Mesopotamian culture wasn’t too far off from how some things are looked at in today’s society, but women were not very important in their society. They were only there for few reasons, and if they didn’t meet those expectations they were replaceable. Today we would say that is unjust and against our rights, but that is a privilege we now have in our country that those women were not able to achieve. Aren’t we glad to live in today’s society where men and women have equal rights? How to cite Text Analysis of the Epic of Gilgamesh, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Arugementive research papermarijuana Essay Example For Students

Arugementive research papermarijuana Essay Thesis: Should marijuana be legalized and can it be used in positive ways? In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act prohibited the use, sale, and cultivation of hemp/marijuana in the United States. Marijuana is a drug that is highly used through out the world. It comes from the cannabis plant. THC which stands for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the major psychoactive ingredient. Over sixty five million Americans today use marijuana. Today it is a lot stronger than how it used to be in the 1970s because of careful cultivation. It can be smoked threw a pipe, joint, or it can even be used as an ingredient in food. Although the effect it has as an ingredient isnt as strong as it would be if you smoked it. It all depends on how long the person smoking it holds in it their lungs. The more you hold it in the more the drug gets into your bloodstream. Marijuana is not just a drug to be used as to get high with. It is a drug that needs to become legal so it can help heal people with certain disea ses and it can be useful for industrial reasons as well. There are different feelings a person can have when you use marijuana. In low to moderate doses, marijuana typically creates a mild sense of euphoria, a sense of slowed time, a dreamy sort of self-absorption, and some impairment in thinking and communicating (Hales 491). Usually the sense of being high happens within thirty minutes and usually lasts about three hours. Sometimes when someone is new at smoking marijuana they can experience an anxiety attack. The immediate physical effects of marijuana include increased pulse rate, bloodshot eyes, dry mouth and throat, slowed reaction times, impaired motor skills, increase appetite, and diminished short-term memory (Hales 492). Some of these effects can help someone as unbelievable as it seems. If marijuana is more harmful to society than the laws, then the laws should be retained. If the laws are more harmful than the substance, the laws should be changed (Rosenthal 1). Marijuana can reduce suffering for some illnesses out there today. A cancer patient by the name of Richard Brookhiser responded to the contention that marijuana has not allowed the necessary testing. He also rejected the argument that allowing sick people to use the drug would encourage people to use take the drug. In November 1996, the voters of California and Arizona make it legal to use marijuana as a medicine. The Clinton administration said these actions were too rash. But for me, they came in the wrong states and four years too late. In 1992, my doctor in New York told me that I had metastasized testicular cancer, which required chemotherapy. To deal with the resulting nausea, I took legal antiemetic drugs, but after a while they didnt work. Then, I turned to pot (qtd. In Bender 149). Brookhiser had used marijuana to help him have cravings for food. When someone goes threw chemotherapy you lose your appetite and you are really nauseated. Marijuana can increase your appetite and help you want to eat your food. Cancer patients are not the only sick people who get relief from smoking pot. It has a wide variety of therapeutic applications, and is frequently beneficial in treating many conditions. Some are people who have the AIDS virus, it can help them reduce the nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite caused by the ailment itself and by treatment with AZT and other medicines. It can help people with Asthma. Several studies have shown that THC reacts as a bronchodilator and reverses bronchial constriction. Although conventional bronchodilators work faster, THC has been shown to last longer and with considerable less risk (Rosenthal 68). New evidence has shown that marijuana is an autoimmune modulator in arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. Marijuana can alleviate the debilitating, chronic pain caused by myriad disorders and injuries. Marijuana has been shown to help gently and naturally for people with depression and other mood disorders. In contrast, con ventional antidepressant drugs like lithium, tricyclics, and MAO inhibitors have serious health risks and side effects (Rosenthal 68). Marijuana is used to prevent both grande mal and other epileptic seizures in some patients. Other patients find that they can reduce dosage of other medications while using cannabis (Rosenthal 68). In Glaucoma marijuana can reduce intracular, alleviating pain and slowing (and sometimes stopping) the progress of the condition (Rosenthal 69). Other things like labor pains, menstrual cramps, muscle spasms and migraine headaches are all things that marijuana can help alleviate the pain. Many paraplegics and quadriplegics have discovered that cannabis not only relieves their pain more safely than opiates, but also suppresses their muscle twitches and tremors. Insomnia is a disorder where you have serious trouble sleeping. Researches have shown that pot can help people sleep, with out side effects or tolerance problems of other hypnotics. Cannanbidiol is t he active ingredient in pot, which induces sleep. In 1988, Judge Francis Young of the DEA found marijuana to be the safest therapeutic substance know to man and urged its reclassification and distribution for medical uses. Marijuana prohibition depends on the drugs demonization. In the name of sustaining the drug war, we are taught that marijuana is lethal, carcinogenic and addictive. While marijuana has its risks, especially for children, none of this is true. Neither is it most half the oncologists who answered a Harvard Medical school survey said they would prescribe marijuana for relief of chemotherapy side effects where it was legal, and most had already recommended it to their patients (Bender 161). Cannabis and hemp are the same. Marijuana was the Mexican name given to cannabis. Cannabis was first cultivated in China around 4000 B.C. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp. Washington, our first president, declared, Make the most of the hemp seed. Sow it everywhere. Hemp seed is natures perfect food. The oil from hemp seeds has the highest percentage of essential fatty acids and the lowest percentage of saturated fats (Potter 29). Sterilized hemp seed is commonly sold as bird seed (Potter 95). It is really too bad that people didnt take Washingtons wisdom of advice. Since hemp was made illegal, petrochemicals came to dominance. Instead of natural hemp, we turned plastics and polyester made from mostly foreign oil (Rosenthal 60). So many trees are cut down each year and used for paper. Hemp only takes about six months to reach maturity, is a fine substitute for wood pulp (Rosenthal 60). Industrial hemp is very clean and so easy to grow. It is one of the most environmentally sound sources of industrial fiber in the world (Rosenthal 61). Hemp fabrics are far stronger and more resistant to mold than any other natural fiber. Builders in France and Germany use hemp for construction material, replacing dry wall and plywood (Rosenthal 63). In 1991 the U.S. hemp industry grossed about five million. In 1995 it was a fifty million industry. There are already several clothing industries that are producing hemp clothing and shoes. There are so many other things that marijuana can be used for and help. Marijuana would also be a huge help in the economy as well. Despite the fact that there is no evidence that pot has ever caused a single death and that there is clear evidence that cannabis is actually useful in treating certain medical conditions, the federal government continues to spend millions of dollars each year to eradicate plants and harass users. In 1992, according to the FBI, 535,000 people were arrested for possession, sale, or manufacture of marijuana. In six cases, life sentences were imposed (qtd. In Rosenthal 37). Marijuana prohibition is costing taxpayers billions each year in enforcement costs. It is also costing us billions of dollars in missed opportunities in taxes, profits, and wages. If marijuana were legalized, pr obably the first economic effect to be felt would be a significant drop in price because of elimination of the risk factor incidental to contraband substances (Rosenthal 38). Take the example of when alcohol prohibition was ended. The cost of liquor plummeted to about a third of its black market cost. The second effect it would have on the economy would likely be greater availability of supply, and so increased usage. Using a conservative fifty percent reduction in marijuana prices to the consumer and a relatively small increase in amount bought, the marijuana industry could gross fifty to fifty-three billion year (Rosenthal 40). The third effect would be a new tax revenue stream for governments. Just take a look at the experience with the vice taxes on cigarettes, liquor, and other substances the government controls. There is no doubt that the marijuana industry is here to stay and is part of the nations economic life. This industry is unique in that is subject to no government reg ulation regarding consumer protection, quality of product, distribution, imports, and taxation (Rosenthal 46). If the industry remains illegal, it will continue to produce revenue, and profits, but United States society will lose out on the economic benefits. Marijuana needs to stay illegal because it is a negative change. Yes, there are some negative sides to marijuana becoming legal but everything has a negative side effect to them. There will always be this argument. Some people say that marijuana provides no medical benefits (Randall 40). There are thoughts that all the medical uses for marijuana would just be excuses to get high. Some users may be under the delusion they are being helped, but pot users typically smoke for the THC while still taking the standard medication got their disease (Bender 155).Listing the negative effects that marijuana have is no different in any arguementive situation. There are always two sides to a matter. Some people say that using marijuana for i llness would be like a physician prescribing moldy bread (containing penicillin) for pneumonia or suggesting cigarette smoking for stress or weight loss (Bender 155). Some doctors are just nave about the damage that marijuana causes or perhaps are users themselves. Yes, marijuana does have some side effects. These side effects are a negative downfall to making it legal. Individuals who smoke this drug heavily can feel a lessening or loss of pleasure in activities, and persistent attention and memory problems. Chronic marijuana use seems to impair thinking, reading comprehension, verbal and mathematical skills, coordination, and short-term memory. Some long-term regular users of marijuana may experience burnout, a dulling of their senses and responses termed motivational syndrome (Hales 492). You really have to look at these effects for people who are abusing the drug. The writer of this essay is not saying make marijuana legal so anyone can get it and just use it to get high. Mariju ana needs to be legal for medication purposes and its use for the hemp seed. Almost any type of medication you get prescribed will have a side effect, so there is no difference in marijuana having a side effect compared to any other drug. Chronic use can also lead to bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer. Smoking a single joint can be as damaging to the lungs as smoking five tobacco cigarettes (Hales 492). Cigarettes cause lung cancer and are one of the leading causes of heart attacks, yet cigarettes are legal. There are so many contradicting points that can be made with this issue. Yes, there are several reasons why marijuana remains illegal. The most powerful of these is the combined law enforcement-judiciary-penal systems. This group sees the elimination of marijuana laws as a threat to their jobs. Add to this group defense lawyers, who stand to make millions of dollars defending marijuana offenders. Consciously or not, they support anti-marijuana laws (Rosenthal 2). Another reas on is because the government funds marijuana research. If marijuana were legalized, they would lose millions of dollars in research grants intended to prove the deleterious effects of the herb. This is a perfect example though of how selfish the government is with their money. They only care about losing money. Just like how there are so many cures out there for different diseases like AIDS and other infectious diseases but because of how much money someone can lose, it doesnt become legal or known to the public. Anti-legalization groups argue that if marijuana were legalized, there would be no way to regulate its use by or sales to minors. In addition, opponents cite marijuana is supposed threat to health. They postulate that if it is harmful, then it should remain illegal (Rosenthal 3). The damage marijuana does is outweighed by the documented damage that the marijuana laws cause society. A Show About Nothing EssayToday in society there are so many drugs out there that are being used to help people with diseases and other viruses. There are also many diseases out there that need cures for them. Marijuana is a drug that is overlooked and needs to become legal. It can be used in many positive ways and the hemp seed can be used as well. The damage marijuana does is outweighed by the documented damage that the marijuana laws cause society. Millions of arrests, tens of thousands of people incarcerated each year, thousands of lives ruined, polarized society and hypocrisy that extends from the cop on the beat to the highest levels of government. In the end, society has nothing positive to show for its efforts (Rosenthal 102). Therefore, to stop people from using a natural herb is really looked over. Nearly everyone knows the government is lying about pot (Rosenthal 103). Even the DEAs own judge agrees that is wrong to keep marijuana from sick people. Yet the government rem ains frozen on the issue of marijuana, perpetuating the same lies in a feeble effort to cover up the lies of the past. It is time for change. If society wants to have some control over marijuana, then it must be legalized and placed under a civil regulatory format (Rosenthal 104). Bibliography:Bender, David L. The War On Drugs: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego:Greenhaven,1998. Hales, Dianne. Invitation to Health. 9th ed. Belmont: Thomson,2001. Kuhn, Cynthia, Scott Swartzwelder, and Wilkie Wilson. Buzzed. New York: Norton and Company,1998. Potter, Beverly Dr. and Dan Joy. The Healing Magic of Cannabis. California:Ronin,1998. Randall, Robert C., and Alice M. OLeary. Marijuana Rx The Patients Fight for Medicinal Pot. New York: Thunders Mouth,1998. Rosenthal, Ed, and Steve Kubby. Why Marijuana Should Be Legal. New York:Thunders Mouth,1996.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom The World’s Gun Control essay

buy custom The World’s Gun Control essay The worlds gun control lobbyists promote the theory enthusiastically, namely the International Network for Small Arms (IANSA), a network, which regional and national gun control lobbyists belong. IANSAs director, on behalf of the group, endorsed the prohibition of firearm for self-defense possession. IANSA works toward the overall confiscation of non-governmentally firearms, with an exception for low-power rifles and single-shot guns owned by hunters. Amnesty International also works closely with IANSA together with Oxfam, with the three forming a lobbying group referred to as Control Arms. The IANSA in collaboration with the United Nations, work in collaboration to support a common agenda. This has had a radical effect on the right to defend one-self (Shute Hurley 38). The right to defend one-self in English law is generally a complete defense of all levels of assault. Charles argues that it can be of use in mitigating liability from situations of murder to manslaughter (213). This is in the case where a police officer or a soldier acting in his duty uses a stronger degree of force than expected or necessary for self-defense. Therefore, self-defense is discernible from provocation that only applies in mitigating what would otherwise change from murder to manslaughter (Todd 145). Scott says that because of the defense completeness, Self-defense in interpretation is relatively conservative as a way to avoid the creation of a standard of justification (134-143). The more level of forgiving a defense is the superior the incentive for a defendant to; relatively exploit it when making plans for the use of violence or in the attempt of explaining matters after the self-defense event (Scott 134-143). Therefore, even if the jury in cases of self-defense is entitled to take account of the actual physical characteristics of the respective defendant, the corrected evidence has little value in making decisions whether excessive force was of use in such an event (Robertson John 76-79). The law states, "A defendant has a right to use reasonable force in the event of protecting himself, as well as others for whom he holds responsibility as well as his property but the force must be reasonable." In the right to defend one-self, there is a controversy of what force is exactly reasonable as stipulated in the law. Opinions differ, and many scholars and organizations have different perspectives on the issue of reasonable force. The question underlying this is what the reasonable amount of force would be (Shute Hurley 38). However, in all cases, the respective defendant does not truly have the right of deciding how much force is so-called reasonable because it would be a norm for the defendant in maintaining the reasonable force (Forsythe 18-27). This would also contradict the isue of guiltiness because situations vary as explained in the earlier discussion, in this paper. Some situations do not even warrant any use of force and therefore, the defendants would use the concept of reasonable force to while away their guilt (David Joanne 43178). The jury, as members of the general community, should be the ones to decide the level or degree of reasonable force depending on the circ umstances that the defendants were at the time when they executed the right to defend one-self (Michael 156). Robertson John also argues that it is pertinent that the respective defendant was under pressure in situations of attack, and the imminent attack would not give him time act rational or make considerations of the amount of force used (76-79). Therefore, in executing a judgment on the right to defend one-self the test should balance the standard of a pertinent reasonable person through the attribution of some of the relative, subjective knowledge of the respective defendant, with an inclusion of their beliefs about the specific circumstances (Shute Hurley 38). However, even permitting for mistakes made in the event of crisis, the degree of force must also be proportionate as well as reasonable given the interests protected as well as the harm likely to occur by use of such force (Charles 213). The classic test on the right to defend one-self comes from the Jamaican Palmer v The Queen case, on appeal presented to the Privy Council in the year 1971. It espouses, "The defense in the event of self-defense is that which can be or will be understood readily by any jury. It is a type of a straightforward conception. Generally, it involves no particular form of abstruse legal thought. The defense only requires common sense for its understanding (Shute Hurley 38). The same is both convenient sense and reputable law that an attacked man may reiterate by defending himself (Forsythe 18-27). It is both convenient sense and reputable law that the man may do it, but may do, what is only and reasonably necessary. However, everything will be dependent upon the particular circumstances and facts (Todd 145). It may, in particular cases be, clearly possible and sensible to take candid avoiding action. There are attacks that may be dangerous and serious while others may not (Michael 156). If there were relatively some minor attack in the event, it would not be reasonable to allow some action of retaliation that was wholly over the proportion of the respective situation (David Joanne 43178). If an attack is severe and serious putting someone in instantaneous peril then direct defensive action might be relatively necessary (Shute Hurley 38). If the situation is one of predicament for someone in danger, he may have to literally, avert the danger through some instant reaction. When the attack is over and noo peril remains, then it is expected that the force employment ceases, and the introduction of revenge or even some form of punishment done through either paying off or pure aggression (Charles 213). There may not be any link with an inevitability of defense particularly when a jury thinks that in the situation of unexpected anguish an individual attacked only did what he instincti vely and honestly thought as necessary as the most potent evidence only reasonable as a defensive action" (Scott 134-143). Robertson John argues that the right to defend one-self is also dependent on the intent or the reason for holding the weapon (76-79). He gives an example in explaining the right to defend one-self. He illustrates that in R v Lindsay (2005), the defendant who was said to pick up a sword in defending himself after an attack in his home by masked intruders armed with handguns, cut and killed one of the attackers. He slashed him repeatedly using a sword in self-defense. The prosecution case read that, although he initially had acted in self-defense, he lost self-control and in the process demonstrating a clear intent of killing the armed intruder because, he slashed continuously (Forsythe 18-27). In fact, he was himself a cannabis dealer keeping the sword available in defending him against fellow drug dealers. The Court of Appeal did confirm an eight-year term for him to serve imprisonment (Shute Hurley 38). In a non-criminal context, this would not be the expectation for the case of o rdinary householders "going too far" to defend themselves against armed robbers (Todd 145). They would receive a self-defense probe because of the intention of their act as well as the possession of the weapon (David Joanne 43178). In explaining the right to defend one-self, the most astonishing claim is the Frey report, that there is no right of humans of self-defense. The reports states, No international right of human of self-defense is set forth expressly in the sources of international law including customary law, treaties, or general principles (David Joanne 43178). While the human right to life is evident in practically every foremost human rights treaty internationally, the right to defend one-self is expressly recognized only in one, that is, Protection of Human Rights Convention and Fundamental Freedoms (European Human Rights Convention) (Michael 156). In conclusion, the right to defend one-self is extremely wide and covered by many scholars but the international law has still not appropriately mandated the use of defense especially use of restrictive gun control. The issue is also wide as it covers key areas in self-defense including others and own property. There is therefore, need for specialty in each subject and a cardinal in each subject individually covered to cover the issue subjectively. Buy custom The World’s Gun Control essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Crimes committed by teenagers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crimes committed by teenagers - Essay Example As Allen (1996) observes, in many parts of the world, some teens have been engaged in criminal activities because their families do not want to take up responsibilities. So many teens have been neglected by family members who leave them to fend for themselves due to economic hardship, or perhaps because of their (family) negligence. In order to make ends meet such teens have always found themselves doing such criminal activities like robbing with violence. Teens might also find themselves committing criminal activities as a way of revenging for what society has done to them - they will always feel that society has forgotten them and that they are the wretched of the earth.Fourthly, some families have either knowingly or unknowingly entrusted their teenage children with a lot of decision making. It must be understood that in as much as a teen may tend to be mature, one thing families should know is that such children might not be physically or emotionally mature for such decision maki ng. They are sometimes bound to make the very wrong decision, which may result from criminal activities. The law should not be lenient to such family members because it is their responsibility to instill discipline and to control them until they reach the maturity stage where they can be left to take up their personal responsibilities. Making parents pay for the crimes committed by their teenage children along with their teens is something which should not be debated on.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Relationship Between Business Ethics and Organizational Culture Essay

The Relationship Between Business Ethics and Organizational Culture - Essay Example Research into cultural variables has been carried out and the outcome reveals that the ethical perception of an organization is dependent on its organizational behavior. Other researchers have also revealed that employees’ behavior is hugely influenced by value system organizational culture. It has been discovered that unethical and illegal conduct by corporate agents has a huge capability of creating adverse effects on the immediate stakeholders. Culture is perceived to be just one of the variables that influence an organization as a whole but with very significant effects. The leadership and members of an organization have a big role to play in constructing, enforcing and retaining the culture within their organization since culture can easily be manipulated by these very same people. Organizational culture can be viewed from various approaches. The first approach involves a traditional perspective; this involves objectives matter such as: rituals, symbolism and tales. Secon dly, it can be viewed from an interpretive perspective; this involves the study of how members of a given organization could be having a common subjective meaning towards the organization. Lastly, organizational culture can be viewed from a critical-interpretive perspective; this involves the study of the common subjective meanings within an organization and the possible struggles for power that could be brought about by the competition among the subjective meaning. Although there are a few commonalities, organizational culture widely varies from one organization to another. Enron Corporation was once one of the most successful corporations with almost everything handled in the correct manner. It was known for its comprehensive management control and a proper system of governance which led the corporation to winning several awards in acknowledgement of the same. However things started getting out of hand in the company when unethical organizational culture found its way into the fir m. The poor organizational culture involved emergence of irregularities in the financial statements of the firm and embezzlement of funds in the form of using company working capital for personal purposes that are not included in the company budget. The case of Enron provides a firsthand example of how inadequate attention to alteration in cultural practices and leadership of a firm can results to its downfall despite there being a proper management system in place. This is a clear indication that the effectives of variables such as proper management system control heavily rely on an organization’s leadership and culture. Under the tenure of Richard Kinder as the company chief executive officer, the company incurred bad losses which led to some of the investors withdrawing their investments from the company. However, Richard Kinder was well known for his high levels in discipline in handling matters involving both employees and figures. He kept the business unit leaders on to es with numerous challenges. He also kept a close look on matters pertaining to expenses, cash flows and employee levels. But all this did not yield any positive results in preventing the company from incurring losses. However, things changed drastically with the appointment of Jeffrey Skilling as the new chief executive officer to replace Richard Kinder. The organizational culture of the company was also set to change widely with the introduction of a new chief executi

Monday, November 18, 2019

Necessity be the mother of invention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Necessity be the mother of invention - Essay Example Also any decline in the gross domestic production for more than two successive quarters is referred to as recession. When recession falls on a society, it is applicable on the producers, consumers, business organizations, industrialists, in short the whole society. In times of recession, the society affected, should aim on producing innovating and sustainable methods to provide means of reduction in the recession instead of reducing number of businesses, firing employees, reduction in usage of technologies developed from before. Innovation can play its role in the society by pushing recession backwards, and if that is not possible than it can at least stop recession from growing and bringing the economy further down. This can be achieved by long-term strategies and public investments in different fields especially growth sectors to provide better technologies so that recession does not overtake the society and the economic demands of the people of that society. Recession leading to i nnovation and prosperity As recession progresses, a decrease in the trading and industrial activities is witnessed. This is a negative respond by the business organizations and industrialists. ... When these business organizations decrease their work out put, they have less work load which is why they fire their employees; increasing the rate of unemployment and making the society feel that real recession has approached. This is a negative response to recession by the business organizations which leads the economy towards a downfall. A more positive approach would be to increase work load by increasing work out put with the help of more employees. This way the employees will not feel the burden of recession and they will work with devotion for their company or firm. These are some of the main reasons of progression of recession. One major cause is inflation. It is referred to as a rise in the price of goods and services. When recession occurs, the customers spend less and save more money on goods especially with their inflated prices. Therefore, fewer amounts of goods can be purchased, reducing sales. Inflation can be caused by different factors such as increase in the product ion costs, increased energy costs and national debt. When a company faces severe consequences of recession, it tends to decrease the quality by cutting production costs hence cost of the product is lowered. The change of quality of products neglects the requirements and needs of the customer. Instead of compromising on quality of product, the organizations along with their researchers should work on reprocessing the methods of making the products and by taking the risk of introducing new products. Innovating new products will earn the organization confidence of the customer, and when the period of recession ends, the customers will continue to look up to that organization that took care of their needs in times of crisis. This way the company which allows innovations will run

Friday, November 15, 2019

The importance of enterprise computing to enhance business performance

The importance of enterprise computing to enhance business performance Introduction Nowadays Information technology has a rapid growth. Almost every day there are new ideas to improve the performance of technology. It cannot be denied that people who lives today unconsciously depends on technology. Each task did by the people gets many help from technology. For an instance, a hand phone that help us to communicate with our colleagues, the internet that serve certain time information for us and many more technology which made our daily activity become easier. At least we can follow the technology progress so that we dont left behind. Technology has an important role both in our lives and business. A company or organization need to know about the technology to help them to running their task in easier way. They must change their manual way to the automatic one. The automatic system will help finishing several tasks easier. There are several benefits if an organization or a company applying the automatic system. One of the benefits is reducing the production time. Time is an important aspect furthermore now. One second its look like very expensive. Customer wants a product or services which available in certain time. This condition forces a company to work harder for supplying customer requirements. Another benefit is reducing a cost to hire an employee. The automatic system doesnt need many resources to handle the task. For an instance is a telecommunication company. The company doesnt need require many operators to answer customer question about their products or services. The customer only needs to dial a partic ular number suitable to the call center provided by the provider and they will be served by a voice system that will give all the information suitable with the customer requirement. With a hand phone, a customer can get all the information regarding their requirements anytime, anywhere they want. This is a fact that enterprise computing is helping to run a business whatever its scale or to made our daily activity easier. Suitable to the benefits offered by enterprise computing, it can be a references or as a base to keep developing an enterprise computing in the company it selves. Adopting an automatic system is a brilliant way for a company to keep producing and inventing for their own customer satisfaction. See how it is important of enterprise computing for a company to grow up their business and get more rating from their customer. Enterprise computing shouldnt only for a big scale business but also for intermediate and small business too. Essentially an intermediate and small business are need to make an invention to grow their scale to be a greater company that follow the competition with another company. In this case is about customer satisfaction and the effectiveness of work. There is a chance to grow up the scale of business to be the greater on is they can see the opportunity and keep adapt the technology which always change every time. It is because the technology can be applied to all business sectors. For an instance are healthy, agronomic, trading, farming and many others. It is why a company required the technology and enterprise computing in particular. The Enterprise Computing A company has its vision and mission to keep growing. It was suitable with their target stated before. A company commonly wants an improvement at all business sectors. Begin with the essential aspect such as competent human resources, smooth production process and of course good result for its customer. There is no company who wants regression happen on their business. Both Production Company and Service Company want a real improvement for their business. They want increase the effectiveness in doing their tasks, reducing production cost and get a good result. Then when the time has coming to a company to step their business level to the higher one. This company is on transition phase between small business to the intermediate or to the higher level. This phase force a company to change their system in doing all tasks. They must keep an eye to the technology trends. This is related to the pattern or the way how they do all the tasks. Usually it was triggered by customer requirements regarding their success providing a product or services. From the above illustration, a company must have a planning to make a brand new system for improving their available system now. In this case an enterprise computing is the best solution for a company. Enterprise computing offering an easier way to solve a complex task and produce a better results in the end. Enterprise computing it selves is an integrated system that helps a complex task by applying an automatic system or a computer. Enterprise computing has a tight relation with information and technology. In the other side information and technology has a rapid development. Because of that a company requires to follow the development of information and technology for applying enterprise computing it selves. Enterprise computing has a various methodology. It might be too complex to explain. But the main idea is changing the manual system to the automatic one. Imagine the old way of hiring an employee to the company. The HRD staff urgently needs to publish the recruitment opportunity with an advertisement. Then when the employee candidate know about the advertisement, he must be go to the company and asking whether the job still available or not. This way is wasting too much time. Let we compare with the automatic system. The HRD only need to post the job at the internet and providing a form for the employee candidate then when the registrant is enough, the HRD just need to call a several candidates to the next interview process. See how it more effective than the old way. High analysis technique and right implementation of enterprise computing are required. Enterprise computing is not an easy method. A company required to prepare all the plans in a good form and deep analyzing to what their requirement and in where aspect they need to change. The transition phase looks like a challenge for a company to determine their futures. It might be success or failed depends on what their plans before. They must think and forecast what probably happen with their plan yet. Then the percentage of success is higher then failed. In the end there will be a great result of changing their system to be an enterprise computing. There are several benefits of enterprise computing. But it also has a weakness. These two aspects required to analyze before applying enterprise computing for the company suitable with their own condition yet. Advantage and Disadvantage of Enterprise Computing There are several reasons why the enterprise computing might be failed to construct. As mentioned above that an enterprise computing required a deep analysis before implementing it to the current system. The company required to see from many points of view and recognize the information technology development. Then after all carefully analysis the plan should be conducted in a good form. The plan must cover all company requirements. The most important aspect to analyze before all steps of conducting enterprise computing are the advantage and disadvantage of it selves. With these comparisons, the expertise in the company can determine the best way and look for good opportunity to implement enterprise computing. Here are several main points of advantage and disadvantage of enterprise computing in improving business process. Advantage 1. Increase productivity This is the main advantage of enterprise computing. With the enterprise computing applied, a company is able to increase their production. Then they will be generating a product or services suitable to their customer requirements. 2. Reduce operational cost Enterprise computing doesnt need many resource involved in the system. For an instance is a process of recruiting an employee. The old system might be requiring a two or more HRD to handle the task. With enterprise computing applied, it might be able to do with only one HRD. The HRD only sit at the front of his desk and wait the candidates fill the recruitment form online. 3. Reduce operational time An instants product or service became a main aspect today. The faster is better. Enterprise computing is offering a minimal production time. The main concept is the different of conventional system and the automatic one. Automatic system is offering a better production time than conventional way. Each complex task can be done by automatic system without a problem. 4. Gain more result Customer satisfaction is the good result parameter for a company. Customer doesnt care how the process, they only want their requirement provided by a company anytime they need. This condition forces company to gain more result. Again enterprise computing is offering this. Disadvantage 1. Required high problem analysis It might be hard in the beginning of enterprise computing. As mentioned above that high analysis is required before conduct the system. There are many aspects to be analyzing in the beginning. Then the company did not made any mistakes in their planning. 2. Complex at the beginning The complexity of enterprise computing might be hard enough to implement for the beginning but it will not be a trouble anymore in the future. The complexity happens if there are no deep analysis to the problem occurred. This aspect also needs to get attention for developing enterprise computing. 3. Threat from external resource External resource such as a virus needs to get particular attention. The integrated system has a rapid data exchange inside the network. It triggers a new thread of virus attack. The system must able to defense itself from external threat. Installing a suitable antivirus is a good idea to keep the system running healthy and free from virus attack. Implementing Enterprise Computing Planning something is easier than implementing it. There are several main steps that need an attention to implement an enterprise computing to the current system. Here are the steps required. 1. Identify This is the root step of implementing enterprise computing. The entire problem needs to be identifying first. Each company has their own profile, condition and goal. They must gather its carefully. Essentially a company has a challenge to work more maximal. This is related to customer requirement. Customer has a requirement and a company need to satisfy them. If a company doesnt indentify it carefully, customer might be changed their mind to move to another company which can provide an interesting product. In the end this condition would be affecting to company income. Customer satisfaction is an instance of identification required aspect. A company must be more carefully in this step. So that the entire required aspect for developing would be indicate in a good pattern for smoothing the next step. 2. Analysis After the entire factor has been identified, the company needs to analyze it one by one. At this analysis procedure, a company required an expert. A good expertise can analyze a complex problem and break it down in to a part. Then each part is able analyzed by them. The main goal is to determine a plan and solving the problem suitable to a company profile. If each factor analyzed in a good ways then it will be easier to determine the plan. In the end of this step is a planning together with its functional concept and technical field that will be applying for the future. The concept of analyzing it selves must be applied at all business sector without ignoring a little aspect. So that the entire process will be generating a good plan which suitable to company profile. 3. Planning The entire factors that has been analyzed needs to determine a plan. For an instance are the determining of who will handle each task in the process, how far the anticipation if there any problem and the availability of the resource. The right plan will make a company easier to run the system in the future. In a planning process a company needs to compare with their condition right now. The goal is to use all available resource maximally. Then when the implementation is running this problem will not contradict against the internal condition of the company. A good determination of a plan will make the process smoother. The plan to develop an enterprise computing is only the beginning of all steps. The company needs to run this process faster and to the point to reduce the time. There are several complex steps forward. 4. Implementation Implementation is the main step of all recommended stages. The implementation step essentially is applying all plans conducted before. In fact, implementation is the most complex step. However a company doesnt feel afraid to face it. The prerequisite are they already identified, analyzing and planning a good strategy for this. Then at the implementation step they will not face a big problem. The implementation step needs a tight attention so that each plan conducted can be doing smoothly. Diligence of all staff also required at this step to prevent any problem occur that can be disturbing when running the implementation it selves. 5. Running The next step after the implementation of enterprise computing is running the new system. This is the time for the new system to get tested. A good testing is a testing process that covering all details of the system. Then if there any defect found, it can revise faster. A good system is a system with a minimum defect but usually there is no perfect system. Suitable with the previous statement, a company should be investigating the system carefully for their own benefits in the future. A company needs to compare the new system with the old one so that if there is any useful part of old system, it can be applied to the new one to get supported. 6. Maintenance Maintenance phase is a right step to review the new system which has done. At this phase, it might be raising any unpredictable defect. The defect raised can be the bigger or just a little. If this thing happened, the company needs to make a right problem solving in a certain time so that the running system will not disturb with any revising system. A stability of a system is a dream for each company in the world and its might be a prestige to another company for them. A company may get an award if they invented a new system that running smoothly. When the system is running properly then a company will get benefit of doing the entire jobs. They are six steps that need to get special attention from the company in developing an enterprise computing system. A company required to run the entire steps in the right way, so the process of developing an enterprise computing system can be running smoothly and generate a good system in the end. When building the system all staff need to work together. The goal is to gather all information regarding to the current condition of a company. It was important because each staff have a different point of view that maybe conducted to be a good idea. Then when the system is ready to use, all staff will know how to run the system properly. In the end it might be not easy to develop an enterprise computing system but for the internal improvement of the company this method can be implementing to the current system. Conclusion Great improvement of doing all tasks means great result too. This is a dream for each company. Then how to turn the dream in to reality is depends on the system applied. The enterprise computing is the important method. Learning how to apply it might be not easy as the theory but at least the concept of it covered the main sector of a business. With enterprise computing all task done effective and produce a good result. Its only requires a few resources to run the system. It means that the company doesnt require pay too much for employees salary. At this point, it can be conclude that the company reduces the operational cost. There are other benefits of enterprise computing. They are figured that enterprise computing is very useful to improve the business performance. The main idea of enterprise computing is business agility. A business performance is very important in this case. The complexity of each task is needed to break into a part. It is why an enterprise computing is very important here. Enterprise computing is able to do each task effectively. With its capability of doing task effectively, an enterprise computing is suitable for any kind of business sector. Talking about business agility means that the company needs to always ready for the external changes. For an instance if there is any new technology which made their current system left behind, they must adapt the new system as soon as possible. It is because keep the system always update are necessary for the company so that the behavior of the system always adapt the new technology. Enterprise computing not only applicable for big scale business but also for small or intermediate business scale. The different might be only the form of a system development. It cant be denied that big scale business has more chance to develop an enterprise system in a good form. A big scale business has more resource and of course more expertise to analyze the problem occurred. However the smaller business scale has a chance too, even with their restricted resources. Both of them have a same opportunity to improve their business performance. The ideas of enterprise computing are applicable for them no matter about their level. It was their right to be more success on their business.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

China and Tibet Essay -- History Politics Government Essays

China and Tibet - Historical Territorial Integrity, Rights to Self-Determination, and The Anatomy of Compromise â€Å"The issue involved is the extinction of the people, the Tibetan People†¦No sir, what I have in mind is the extinction of the Tibetans as a distinct people, with its traditions, its own way of life and its own type of religion.† Tsiang, China’s Permanent UN Representative, 1953 â€Å"The Communist have, for the past 50 years, imposed their revolution upon unwilling Tibetan peasants and nomads, and have ruled Tibet by threat, or often the actual use, of force. But force alone cannot, in the long-run sustain any illegitimate domination.† Dawa Norbu, 1999 â€Å"Tibetans are shouldering the responsibility of our freedom struggle with undiminishing determination and indomitable sprit†¦ With my homage to the brave men and women of Tibet who have died for the cause of freedom, I pray for an early end to the suffering of our people.† His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, 1999 The Tibet question, in its simplest form, concerns the natural rights of the Tibetan people to self-determination, against the People’s Republic of China’s rights to territorial integrity. The debate has been unable to reach any sort of international consensus because of the difficult legal and historical views. China insists that they have sovereignty over Tibet, as the Tibetan Plateau has been within its boundaries for over seven hundred years. China employs the â€Å"17-Point Peace Plan† as notarization for this claim. This mutually signed Agreement resulted in the â€Å"liberation† of Tibetans from feudal serfdom in 1951. Since then the People’s Republic of ... ...nd The Dalai Lama, Pg.15 [18] Dawa Norbu, China’s Tibet Policy, Pg. 381 [19] Nathan Sivin, The Contemporary Chinese Almanac, Pg.52 [20] Nathan Sivin, The Contemporary Chinese Almanac, Pg. 52 [21] The House of International Relations Committee: U.S. Policy Considerations In Tibet, March 2000 [22] Dawa Norbu, China’s Tibet Policy, Pg. 230 [23] Eric S. Margolis, War at the Top of the World, Pg. 180 [24] Dawa Norbu, China’s Tibet Policy, Pg. 230 [25] The House of International Relations Committee: The status of negotiations between China and Tibet, April 2000 [26] David Little and Scott W. Hibbard, Sino-Tibetan Co-Existence: Creating Space for Tibetan Self-Direction, USIP 1993 [27] The House of International Relations Committee: The status of negotiations between China and Tibet, January 2003

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Speech on Belonging

Belonging is usually defined as being accepted into and by members of a family, group, class, race, community or school. The term belonging means something different to everyone but most people will come up with the words acceptance, security and identity. In this speech I have chosen to talk about the aspects of belonging and not belonging in two of Peter Skrzynecki’s Poems, Migrant Hostel and 10 Mary Street and also in the 1997 film ‘Titanic’. In Peter Skrzynecki’s Migrant Hostel, he talks about the 2 years of his life that he and most of his family lived in a Migrant hostel in Parkes after coming to Australia after World War 2 from Poland and leaving most of his family and polish heritage behind. This poem gives the responder a sense of confusion about whether he belongs or not to this migrant hostel. Skrzynecki creates this confusion by contrasting the family’s sense of belonging to the hostel with the family’s confusion about whether or not they actually belonged to the Australian soil. Although the migrant hostel was their home for 2 years there was always so many people coming and going that it didn’t really feel like a home which made it really hard to create a sense of belonging as a community. Techniques used by Skrzynecki to create this sense of confusion about belonging are juxtaposition or contrast for example in the last stanza on the 6th line â€Å"Needing its sanction To pass in and out of lives That had only begun Or were dying† This can be referred to as when people arrive at the hostel their lives are just beginning as they have a second chance to start their lives over again and forget about the past and what has happened and concentrate on the future and then when they leave the hostel they feel lost because they are on unknown land and they feel they don’t really fit in with the Australian lifestyle as they have their own background and heritage to maintain. This uote could also mean the opposite when they leave they have a chance to start over and renew there lives again and when they are in the hostel they are trapped and don’t know what to do or who they are. Symbolism is another technique Skrzynecki uses in this poem. In ‘Migrant hostel’ he uses birds as a symbol of being trapped. For example the third stanza ‘For over two years We lived like birds of passage- Always sensing a change In the weather: Unaware of the season Whose track we would follow’ This example shows how the people in the hostel where hardly allowed outside, which shows that they were basically trapped inside and away from everyone else. Another technique Skrzynecki uses is rhetorical device; this technique shows the confusion of the people inside the hostel, for example in the first stanza 6th line â€Å"That left us wondering who would be coming next. † This example shows the confusion the people had, and how uncertain things were for them, they didn’t know who was going to come through the gate next or who was going to leave. Also in this poem Skrzynecki uses an extended metaphor. In this poem the bird symbol is also used as the extended metaphor. In this poem he uses refers to a homing pigeon to deepen the sense of instinctual behavior for example in the second stanza 1st line ‘Nationalities sought Each other out instinctively Like a homing pigeon Circling to get its bearings’ this example shows how the people are coming together and finding each other through their background and where they came from. The last technique that Skrzynecki uses in this poem is similes. For example n the last stanza 4th line ‘As it rose and fell like a finger’ this particular simile refers to the gate out the front of the hostel, it shows how they were isolated from the rest of the country by that gate and that they had no control over when that gate opened or closed. It makes the hostel sound like a jail. In Skrzynecki’s poem ‘10 Mary Street’ he is describing his life in his fir st ever home on Australian soil, this poem has a greater sense of belonging as he is more comfortable in Mary street, and he has a greater sense of belonging to his family, his home, his school, his community and is comfortable with his migrant past. Skrzynecki and his family lived at 10 Mary Street for 19 years before the house got knocked down. During this poem Skrzynecki has no sense of doubt or uncertainty about who he is or where he is going. This poem gives a strong sense of happiness and content within his life as the language is light and joyful, as he remembers certain things about that house and life within it. Skrzynecki uses techniques such as personification

Friday, November 8, 2019

Johnny Carson Ancestry and Family Tree

Johnny Carson Ancestry and Family Tree John William Johnny Carson (October 23, 1925 Ââ€" January 23, 2005 was an American actor, comedian and writer best known for his tenure as host of The Tonight Show from 1962 until 1992. Born in Corning, Iowa to Homer Lee Kit Carson (no relation to the famous western hero) and Ruth Hook Carson, Johnny grew up with his parents, older sister, Catherine, and younger brother, Richard (Dick), in Nebraska. Johnny Carson married his college sweetheart Joan Wolcott on October 1, 1949. They had 3 sons. In 1963, Carson divorced Joan and married Joanne Copeland on August 17, 1963. After another divorce, he and former model Joanna Holland were married on September 30, 1972. This time, it was Holland who filed for a divorce in 1983. Johnny then married Alexis Maas on June 20, 1987, a marriage that survived happily until Carsons death in January 2005. Tips for Reading This Family Tree First Generation: 1. John William (Johnny) CARSON was born on 23 Oct 1925 in Corning, Iowa.1 He died of emphysema on 23 Jan 2005 in Malibu, California. Second Generation: 2. Homer Lee (Kit) CARSON2,3 was born on 4 Oct 1899 in Logan, Harrison Co., Iowa.4 He died on 9 Apr 1983 in Paradise Valley, Scottsdale, Arizona.5 Homer Lee (Kit) CARSON and Ruth HOOK were married in 1922.6 3. Ruth HOOK7 was born in Jul 1901 in Jackson Township, Taylor Co., Iowa.8 She died in 1985. Homer Lee (Kit) CARSON and Ruth HOOK had the following children: i. Catherine Jean CARSON was born in Dec 1923 in Hand Hospital, Shenandoah, Iowa.81  Ã‚  ii. John William (Johnny) CARSON.iii. Richard Charles (Dick) CARSON was born on 4 Jun 1929 in Clarinda, Page Co., Iowa.9 Third Generation: 4. Christopher N. (Kit) CARSON2,3,10,11 was born in Jan 1874 in Monona Co., Iowa. Christopher N. (Kit) CARSON and Ella B. HARDY were married on 28 Dec 1898 in Harrison Co., Iowa.12 5. Ella B. HARDY2,3,10,13 was born on 18 Nov 1876 in Magnolia, Jefferson Co., Iowa. She died on 20 Aug 1967. Christopher N. (Kit) CARSON and Ella B. HARDY had the following children: 2 i. Homer Lee (Kit) CARSON.ii. Charles E. CARSON3 was born about 1907 in Logan, Harrison Co., Iowa.iii. Raymond E. CARSON10 was born about 1913 in Logan, Harrison Co., Iowa.iv. Doris A. CARSON10 was born about 1918 in Logan, Harrison Co., Iowa. 6. George William HOOK14 was born on 27 Dec 1870 or 1871 in Lowry, St. Clair Co., Missouri.15 He died of a heart attack on 21 Dec 1947 in Bedford, Taylor Co., Iowa. He is buried in Fairview Bedford Cemetery, Taylor Co., Iowa. George William HOOK and Jessie BOYD were married on 19 Sep 1900.15-17 7. Jessie BOYD6 was born on 6 Jul 1876 in Taylor County, Iowa.16 She died of grief on 20 Jun 1911 in Bedford, Taylor Co., Iowa.16 She is buried in Fairview Bedford Cemetery, Taylor Co., Iowa. George William HOOK and Jessie BOYD had the following children: 3  Ã‚  i. Ruth HOOKii. John W. HOOK6 was born in 1904 in Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa.18 He died of peritonitis in May 1911 in Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa.19iii. Mary HOOK6 was born in Feb 1906 in Taylor County, Iowa.20,21iv. Florence HOOK6 was born in Feb 1910. She died in Feb 1910.22,23v. Jessie Boyd HOOK was born in Jun 1911.24 Fourth Generation: 8. Marshall CARSON11,25-28 was born on 14 Mar 1835 in Maine. He died on 21 May 1922 in Logan, Harrison County, Iowa. He is buried in Logan Cemetery, Harrison County, Iowa. Marshall CARSON and Emeline (Emma) KELLOGG were married on 17 Jul 1870 in Washington County, Nebraska. 9. Emeline (Emma) KELLOGG11,26-28 was born on 18 May 1847 in Fayette, Indiana. She died on 12 Feb 1922 in Harrison County, Iowa. She is buried in Logan Cemetery, Harrison County, Iowa. Marshall CARSON and Emeline (Emma) KELLOGG had the following children: 4  Ã‚  i. Christopher N. (Kit) CARSON.ii. Angie CARSON11 was born about 1875 in Nebraska.iii. Phebe CARSON11 was born about 1877 in Iowa.iv. Amilda CARSON11 was born about 1879 in Iowa.v. Ora CARSON26 was born in Jun 1881 in Harrison Co., Edgar M. CARSON26 was born in Feb 1882 in Harrison Co., Iowa.vii. Fred G. CARSON26-28 was born in Jul 1885 in Harrison County, Iowa. He died in 1923 in Harrison Co., Iowa.viii. Herbert E. CARSON26,27,29 was born in Dec 1890 in Harrison Co., Iowa. 10. Samuel Tomlinson HARDY10,13,30,31 was born on 1 May 1848 in Angola, Steuben Co., Indiana. He died on 21 Jul 1933 in at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. N. Carson in Logan, Harrison Co., Iowa. Samuel Tomlinson HARDY and Viola Millicent VINCENT were married on 30 Jun 1872 in Iowa. 11. Viola Millicent VINCENT13,30,32 was born on 2 Apr 1855. She died on 3 May 1935 in Harrison Co., Iowa. Samuel Tomlinson HARDY and Viola Millicent VINCENT had the following children: i. Loyd HARDY13 was born about 1866 in Iowa.ii. Louis HARDY13 was born about 1870 in Iowa.5 iii. Ella B. HARDY.iv. Delaven H. HARDY13,30 was born in Aug 1879 in Iowa.30v. Bruce L. HARDY30 was born in Sep 1881 in Iowa.30vi. Gladys HARDY30 was born in Oct 1896 in Iowa.30

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Captain Grays journal Essay Example

Captain Grays journal Essay Example Captain Grays journal Essay Captain Grays journal Essay An unusual static and void nocturnal silence hovered above Beaumont Hamel. Sitting in his dugout, Captain Gray couldnt find any suitable words to send to his wife. His instincts told him that to write a letter would be equivalent to saying farewell, an idea he deplored as it bordered with superstition. Grays eyelids were heavy, but no slumber seemed to follow this natural sign of exhaustion. With his brain filled with confused angry thoughts he opened his journal. Seeing the blank page, the monotonous parallel lines made the thoughts in his mind seem grotesque, exaggerated and monstrous! Eventually they twisted themselves into acceptable words that came streaming down onto the page like dark water percolating through a stoved ships side. Gray wrote; Constant vigilance is the key to survive this War. Tommorow we shall attack, or rather poke the hundred headed Ladon with a twig. I know I mustnt break down, for as a commanding officer I must be an example to my men. I shall grit my teeth and be with them until my time comes. The men must must believe in their officers and have reason to do so. It has been agreed that if I am to fall, Wraysford will take over my platoon. I am glad about this arrangement; I like and trust that laddie, despite the fact that I find him difficult to read. He didnt back out when he was given the chance, now I am convinced hell manage this. Our lives depend on strategies, on strategies and also irresponsible and embarrasingly well educated generals, who still seem to think of this slaughter as of a welcome release from a decadent existance. The 29th Division are waiting for us and I fail to see the point of this codswallop about the wire being cut, when it isnt!?! One would think wed have the advantage of the night on our side at least, but no! A generation of young men, to which I belong. must march in daylight like slow approaching targets up hill oblivious to the suicide they are commiting. Faith pushes them, like it pushed inocent Tess Durbeyfield into Alec violent posession. We all shall become less inocent against our will tommorrow He paused, unable to continue, wiping a bead of nervous sweat from just below the point where his brown hair began to grow on his forehead. Putting his pen down he stood up, knocking over a glass, that still had the traces of dried golden whisky, from the improvised bookshelf that hung low over his bed. The fragile transparent solid cracked as it hit the floor. Gray automatically swore and disposed of the pieces, cutting a finger as he did so. He took out his cigarette case from its usual pocket, lit the last one remaining and inhaled the familiar, appealing and reassuring poison of the tobacco, feeling the welcome numbness disperse through the veins in his once youthful body. The solitude in which he performed this ritual, though unusual for him. Satisfied his need for escapism. The smell lingered in his well shaped moustache as he went back to his entry and wrote; Barclay is barking mad to have agreed to this; either that or as short sighted as Haig or Rawlinson. Remarkable what rank can do to a character, although I doubt that he was less ignorant in the past. He just doesnt seem to realize that were not playing a game and that hes not commanding toy armies, but young men of flesh and red hot blood, who will die while he drinks ruby wine in a peaceful garden. Dinner at Beaupaume indeed! I am sorry for the men hes in charge of, who understand just what an abomination he is. As much as I enjoy a good meal, I dont think that I would take much pleasure in a victorious dinner at the cost of half my country. I would rather continue sharing my rations or my favourite walnut cake that Joyce sometime sends me and know Im having it in the worthy company of my comrades.. Gray swallowed and closed the diary. He lay back suppressing tears of forced resolution. Clutching the book in his hand, he let his meditation sidetrack to images of his wife and home in Edinburgh. As he entered into a reverie, he saw her reading his journal, weeping. He dreamt for an hour, suffering nightmare after nightmare. At eleven thirty, when his batman Watson pulled him out of a macabre dreamt up game of pelmanism that involved parts of the human body, Gray was temporarily relieved. That didnt last long, for as he walked towards the loud speaker, he felt that nothing had prepared him for what he was expected to do. ;

Monday, November 4, 2019

Investigate a social or business issue using statistical techniques Research Paper

Investigate a social or business issue using statistical techniques (including Excel graphs), analysis and interpretation - Research Paper Example In recent years, research has concentrated on the relationship between sex differences and academic performance in various academic levels. For example, Kenney-Benson et al. (2006) conducted a research in European and North American countries on the impact of gender on academic performance. The results were that girls outperform boys even in math-related subjects, such as mathematics. These results are supported by several other researchers, such as Pomerantz, Altermatt and Saxon (2002). However, they contradict the National Science Foundation’ statement that boys outperform girls in math subjects. Further, they oppose previous findings, such as those made by Hyde, Fennema and Lamon (1990) that boys outdo girls in mathematics. There is, therefore, a conflict with respect to boys’ and girls’ performance. It could be that girls are gradually outdoing boys academically such that conclusions from research activities conducted several years ago are no longer true. There is a dire need to establish a fact regarding differences in boys and girls with respect to their academic performance. This paper seeks to clear the air by reviewing and analyzing research results to determine if girls are actually outdoing boys academically. The paper makes use of secondary data to do the analysis and concludes that boys outdo girls academically. Table 1 suggests that boys in general perform better than girls in mathematics related subjects, but girls outdo boys in arts subjects, such as languages. However, when the two variables are subject to overall performance, it is apparent that age plays a role in determining their performance. However, boys are seen to perform better than girls do at all academic levels with the difference in academic performance increasing as they advance in years. Results also indicate that academic performance stagnates or even declines as boys and girls get older. Table three shows interesting results- that boys repeat

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Ways We Lie by Stephanie Ericsson Coursework

The Ways We Lie by Stephanie Ericsson - Coursework Example Ericsson creates a very good impression of the article from the very start by giving an account of her own lies she told to avoid hurting people or to save herself from some loss which encourages the readers to move forward and analyse his own. Her verification of the impossibility of spending the whole day without a lie makes her sound natural. Her deep inspections of the reasons behind the small lies which are spoken by people justify them for being spoken with good intensions. At the same time her example of those lies which, though spoken to save people from being hurt, but affecting them for longer period of times as the truth make them cherish hopes and take wrong decisions confirms her consciousness about the sensitivity of the subject she is handling. She has also informed the readers about her own confusion about deciding between telling a lie or speaking the truth makes the readers take the matter seriously while keeping in mind the consequences of both options. The format that she has chosen to express her observation and analysis makes her sound precise and focussed avoiding unnecessary details as she has divided the subject matter into types and further elaboration is given in points. Ericsson’s attempt to include different types of people telling different types of lies in variety of situations demonstrates her vivacious effort to make the article comprehensive. To gain this effect she even touches the sublime issues and illustrates the universal existence of lie. But the fine analysis of the article finds many loopholes in this piece of work. The main loophole that dissatisfy the reader is its lack of proper presentation of the subject matter even its being organized as it gives so many examples under the heading f different types of lies but there is lack of reason that why people do not find enough courage to speak the truth and rely on lies. She finds that lying finally puts one at losing end but she does not provide the readers with th e solution of avoiding it or the way that makes the listener less offended and accept the truth. At some points readers get confused at the repetition of the ideas and remain unable to distinguish one type of lie from the other. Though the examples about the lies are interesting but the reader still finds boredom as they keep on going without any diversity in the idea and thus the format has failed to enhance the understanding of the reader. Lies however destructive may be but there is no denying the fact that they are inevitable in daily life and are often told with good intentions so as to save close friends or relatives to from being hurt. People tell lies to avoid problems and gain material benefits without putting any other person in loss. Some people do so as do not have the courage to speak truth and escape the reality by telling a lie to not only others but also to themselves. There come many situations in life when people find refuge in the domain of lie and save themselves from harm and do not feel guilty as they do reasoning within themselves and find their lie a justified act. The White Lie is the most common type of lie that people usually speak to maintain good relationships and build their own good reputation and the consequences of these lie do not bring any harm to any of the persons. For example, a person arranges a party at his home and invites some of his close friends to spend some quality time with him. Now, another close friend of

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research Paper on the emergency response of InternationaL Nashville

On the emergency response of InternationaL Nashville Airport, Tennesse - Research Paper Example There are different types of emergency: natural disasters and man-made situations and disasters. The natural disasters may appear in the shape of hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes while man-made disasters include acts of terrorism, food poisoning or any other issue that may be technical. Based on this assessment, the emergency response plan cannot be absolute or perfect; rather, it may be developed based on the type of the disaster. However, there are certain aviation standards, procedures and protocols essential for all types of emergencies or accidents. In the following parts of this paper, Incident Command System (ICS) has been discussed. It is a national level protocol describing the different aspects and concepts related to emergency. The key concepts inbuilt in it are common terminology, unity of command and so on. It is followed by the part mentioning Nashville International Airport background and different awards (as well as reasons for them) won by the airport. Addition ally, the subsequent paragraph elaborates the basic information relating to the airport. After that part, rules and regulations relating to the Accident Reports and Emergency Conditions have been provided and discussed. These rules and regulations have been taken from Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority. Before the conclusion part, the analysis of Nashville Airport emergency response exercises has been provided. The exercises have been described in detail to provide different steps taken by different authorities while responding to the emergency situations. The Incident Command System (ICS) is a nationally developed and controlled collection of constructs, procedures and operating practices providing synergistic principles for emergency response agencies (Kenville et al., 2009). This system was initially developed and established in 1970s in numerous formats and has become the widely used de facto standard amongst all agencies, particularly those

Monday, October 28, 2019

Redemption in the Kite Runner Essay Example for Free

Redemption in the Kite Runner Essay Throughout â€Å"The Kite Runner† Amir is portrayed as a boy who is always trying to make up or redeem himself for the mistakes he couldn’t control, or made. By Amir winning the tournament he tries to redeem himself since he believes he caused his mother’s death, but by redeeming himself for that he witnessed the mistake for not standing up for Hassan. After winning the tournament with the help of Hassan he redeems himself for his father. Amir is weak in Baba’s eyes, and thinks everything his son does is incorrect. Amir wants to be Baba’s favourite and for Baba to give him all of his attention, due to their expectations in one another. Baba is redeemed to his son after he wins and beats the record in the kite tournament. Amir risked his life by going back to Afghanistan. After leaving Afghanistan at the age of eighteen. Escaping inside the tank of a gas trunk, after the attack of Russians on Afghanistan. Amir had no reason to go back, until one day when Rahim Khan tells him about Hassan’s death. However the most shocking part of the letter concerns Hassan’s real father, which is Baba. Amir stands up for Sohrab by fighting Assef for him. When Amir returns to Afghanistan to find Sohrab proves to be the solution to his quilt towards Hassan, it also is the source of the redemption he so desperately wants to seek. He chose to find Sohrab and tries his hardest to give him a better life even if that does mean sacrificing his own safety. Therefor throughout â€Å"The Kite Runner† Amir is portrayed as a boy who is always trying to make up or redeem himself for the mistakes he made, but does redeem himself towards his father, Sohrab and especially Hassan. As Hassan’s and Amir’s father would say â€Å"a boy who can’t stand up for himself becomes a man who can’t stand up to anything† but Amir indicates he can stand up for himself.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Science Terminology :: essays research papers

1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Active transport- The movement of a chemical substance through a gradient of concentration or electrical potential in the direction opposite to normal diffusion, requiring the expenditure of energy: active transport across a cell membrane. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cell- The smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, consisting of one or more nuclei, cytoplasm, and various organelles, all surrounded by a semi permeable cell membrane. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cell membrane- The semi permeable membrane that encloses the cytoplasm of a cell. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cell theory- a theory in biology that includes one or both of the statements that the cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of living matter and that the organism is composed of autonomous cells with its properties being the sum of those of its cells 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cell wall- a theory in biology that includes one or both of the statements that the cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of living matter and that the organism is composed of autonomous cells with its properties being the sum of those of its cells Chloroplast- A chlorophyll-containing plastid found in algal and green plant cells. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chromatin- A complex of nucleic acids and proteins, primarily histones, in the cell nucleus that stains readily with basic dyes and condenses to form chromosomes during cell division 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chromosome- A threadlike linear strand of DNA and associated proteins in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells that carries the genes and functions in the transmission of hereditary information. 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Concentration- The amount of a specified substance in a unit amount of another substance. 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cytoplasm- The protoplasm outside the nucleus of a cell Cytoskeleton- The internal framework of a cell, composed largely of actin filaments and microtubules. 10.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Diffusion- The spontaneous intermingling of the particles of two or more substances as a result of random thermal motion. DNA- A nucleic acid that carries the genetic information in the cell and is capable of self-replication and synthesis of RNA. DNA consists of two long chains of nucleotides twisted into a double helix and joined by hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases adenine and thymine or cytosine and guanine. The sequence of nucleotides determines individual hereditary characteristics. 11.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Endocytosis - A process of cellular ingestion by which the plasma membrane folds inward to bring substances into the cell. Endoplasmic reticulum- A membrane network within the cytoplasm of cells involved in the synthesis, modification, and transport of cellular materials. 12.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eukaryote- A single-celled or multicellular organism whose cells contain a distinct membrane-bound nucleus. 13.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Exocytosis - A process of cellular secretion or excretion in which substances contained in vesicles are discharged from the cell by fusion of the vesicular membrane with the outer cell membrane.